I made these fun bracelets in just a few hours and for only a couple of bucks each and so can you. Here's a step-by-step of how I created them.
First, I gathered supplies: wooden unfinished bracelets that I picked up for 3 bucks a piece at a local craft store, paints, a drop cloth (to protect surfaces from paint), decoupage for a glossy finish, paint brushes, and water.

Next I cleaned and dried my bracelets, then applied an undercoat of paint to both the outside and inside surfaces of the bracelets.

Then I applied the design. This one was inspired by a perfume ad:

On the next bracelet I painted some strawberries for a fun summer theme.

After the design is finished I applied several coats of decoupage to seal the piece. I used a glossy finish, but decoupage also comes in a matte finish if that is more your style.
Voila! Here are the finished bracelets.