My intention for my holiday in Hawaii was to continue blogging and sharing my vacation outfits each day, but that didn't happen for two reasons: one, painfully slow and frequently dropping internet connection in the hotel and two, a horrible bout of food poisoning I caught the very first day in Hawaii and didn't shake for four days. But, I did get a few outfit pics from the little bit of time before I got sick and then after I recovered well enough to leave the room without frightening the other guests with my gaunt, pale, sunken-eyed self. (If you've ever had food poisoning you know what a painful, frightening, dignity-robbing experience it can be.)
Sorry for the quality of the trip photos. I left the fancy schmancy camera at home and these are from my iPhone.

Here is what I wore on the flights from KC to Honolulu. Photo isn't that great, and I look all jaundiced from the plane lights, but you get the idea. Planes do uncomfortable things to my contacts, so I just wore glasses. I'm particularly proud of the jacket. I've had it for years. It's a lovely color - aqua blue - but had some horrible plastic buttons on the same color that made it look cheap. (Well, it was cheap, but that doesn't mean it gets to look cheap!) So I marched over to a fabric store, bought some beautiful stone buttons and sewed them on, and I think it gave this jacket a whole new life.
Outfit Details: Jacket, Reference. Turtleneck, Kenneth Cole Reaction (Marshalls). Jeans, Seven. Shoes (not shown) Sketchers.